TDP Automation & Design


TDP is a welding, fabrication, automation and design shop creating solutions for companies large and small across Minnesota. They specialize in crane-ready modular construction designs, work-shop solutions from work stations to heavy-duty storage carts and innovative tools to help you work smarter, not harder.

When we first met owners Troy and Dave, they had recently acquired a well-known local welding shop. Our branding was therefore done in stages, slowly moving towards their standalone name in order to retain their customer base.

TDP’s inherited site lacked communicating their services and products beyond a typical welding shop. Welding might get someone in the door to discover their true talent lies in custom engineered metal tools for some of the top construction firms in Minnesota.

The website was redesigned to showcase the range of products they produce, from plasma cut metal signs to crane-ready “cookie sheets” for large construction companies – think of assembling a bathroom start to finish at ground level on a metal platform ready to “fly” up by crane to an upper floor destination for installation. It’s key in modular-lego-style construction. Or their HP2000, making drilling a hole through concrete 4 times faster.

We added an interactive map to find their location and form to easily request a quote (which will pop up in Troy and Dave’s inbox) saving time on both ends. Looking for a job with these two? You can apply online now as well.

Online Fillable Forms
Business Cards
Social Media


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